

Christian Living Politics

The End and Beginning of an Era

By on January 19, 2017

One of the most important lessons I learned about politics is something my dad told me — regardless who is in the White House, God is in control.

It’s that…

Christian Living

Dangers of “Name It & Claim It”

By on September 6, 2016

Many years ago, I knew a family who left the church they were attending at the time. One of the reasons for leaving was because they had fallen into…


The Decline of the First Amendment

By on March 12, 2016

There is a reason why those old white men listed the right to free speech as the first item in the Bill of Rights. Those old white men were…


Goodbye, Dear Friend

By on November 8, 2015

This weekend, I lost a good friend to cancer.  It was an extremely aggressive cancer that my friend, Sandra, was diagnosed with just four weeks ago.

I met Sandra about 8 years…

Christian Living Scriptures That'll Preach

God’s Strength

By on October 11, 2015

Zechariah lifted his prayer shawl from around his shoulders and covered his head with it. “You pray. And you allow the Lord to be your strength. Remember — the…